jMolecules - ArchUnit rules

jMolecules - ArchUnit rules

ArchUnit rules to enforce constraints implied by the jMolecules abstractions

Verze Úložiště Použití Datum
0.5.x 0.5.0 central srp 31, 2021
0.4.x 0.4.0 central čvn 23, 2021
0.3.x 0.3.0 central dub 01, 2021
0.20.x 0.20.0 central
0.2.x 0.2.0 central bře 15, 2021
0.19.x 0.19.0 central
0.18.x 0.18.0 central pro 20, 2023
0.17.x 0.17.0 central
0.16.x 0.16.0 central čvc 21, 2023
0.15.x 0.15.0 central
0.13.x 0.13.0 central
0.10.x 0.10.0 central
0.1.x 0.1.0 central úno 22, 2021