XmlSchema Core

XmlSchema Core

Commons XMLSchema is a light weight schema object model that can be used to manipulate or generate XML schema.

Verze Úložiště Použití Datum
2.3.x 2.3.1 central
2.3.0 central
2.2.x 2.2.5 central led 03, 2020
2.2.4 central pro 03, 2018
2.2.3 central led 18, 2018
2.2.2 central kvě 05, 2017
2.2.1 central led 28, 2015
2.2.0 central zář 24, 2014
2.1.x 2.1.0 central led 21, 2014
2.0.x 2.0.3 central čvc 25, 2012
2.0.2 central dub 07, 2012
2.0.1 central zář 21, 2011
2.0 central úno 14, 2011