Apache XML Security for Java

Apache XML Security for Java

Apache XML Security for Java supports XML-Signature Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 12 February 2002, and XML Encryption Syntax and Processing, W3C Recommendation 10 December 2002. As of version 1.4, the library supports the standard Java API JSR-105: XML Digital...

Verze Úložiště Použití Datum
4.0.x 4.0.2 central
4.0.1 central
4.0.0 central
3.0.x 3.0.0 central říj 28, 2022
3.0.4 central
3.0.3 central
3.0.2 central
3.0.1 central
2.3.x 2.3.4 central
2.3.3 central
2.3.2 central
2.3.1 central
2.3.0 central
2.2.x 2.2.3 central říj 15, 2021
2.2.2 central čvn 21, 2021
2.2.1 central led 21, 2021
2.2.6 central
2.2.5 central
2.2.4 central
2.1.x 2.1.6 central dub 23, 2021
2.1.5 central lis 15, 2020
2.1.4 central čvc 16, 2019
2.1.3 central bře 26, 2019
2.1.2 central čvn 08, 2018
2.1.1 central led 22, 2018
2.1.0 central srp 14, 2017
2.1.7 central
2.0.x 2.0.10 central led 22, 2018
2.0.9 central srp 14, 2017
2.0.8 central pro 01, 2016
2.0.7 central čvn 13, 2016
2.0.6 central pro 04, 2015
2.0.5 central čvc 10, 2015
2.0.4 central dub 15, 2015
2.0.3 central led 09, 2015
2.0.2 central zář 22, 2014
2.0.1 central čvn 27, 2014
2.0.0 central dub 28, 2014
2.0.0-rc1 central led 27, 2014
2.0.0-beta central říj 22, 2013
1.5.x 1.5.8 central led 09, 2015
1.5.7 central čvn 27, 2014
1.5.6 central lis 05, 2013
1.5.5 central čvn 17, 2013
1.5.4 central bře 15, 2013
1.5.3 central říj 15, 2012
1.5.2 central kvě 14, 2012
1.5.1 central úno 24, 2012
1.5.0 central led 23, 2012
1.4.x 1.4.8 central čvn 17, 2013
1.4.7 central kvě 14, 2012
1.4.6 central říj 21, 2011
1.4.5 central kvě 23, 2011
1.4.4 central lis 18, 2010
1.4.0 central říj 20, 2010
1.4.3 central čvc 23, 2009
1.4.2 central dub 14, 2009